Need exact SQL query to find List of Detach Partitioned Tables (Yet to be Dropped) - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Bharani SV-forum
Subject Need exact SQL query to find List of Detach Partitioned Tables (Yet to be Dropped)
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Re: Need exact SQL query to find List of Detach Partitioned Tables (Yet to be Dropped)
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Need exact SQL query to find List of Detach Partitioned Tables (Yet to be Dropped)

The following is the query which i used, i am using and i found an bug which is listing an newly created table (last week)

SELECT relnamespace::regnamespace::text AS schema_name, relname AS table_name
FROM   pg_class c
WHERE  NOT relispartition  -- !
AND    relkind = 'r' and lower(relnamespace::regnamespace::text) not in ('pg_catalog','partman','information_schema')  and
lower(relnamespace::regnamespace::text) in ('XYZ')
order by  relnamespace::regnamespace::text, relname ;

pgsql-general by date:

From: Vincent Veyron
Subject: Re: Retrieve filename within a script
From: "David G. Johnston"
Subject: Re: Need exact SQL query to find List of Detach Partitioned Tables (Yet to be Dropped)