On 11/15/24 11:46, Bharani SV-forum wrote:
> Team
> Need exact SQL query to find List of Detach Partitioned Tables (Yet to
> be Dropped)
> The following is the query which i used, i am using and i found an bug
> which is listing an newly created table (last week)
As David G. Johnston said how would you know it was formally a partition?:
This form detaches the specified partition of the target table. The
detached partition continues to exist as a standalone table, but no
longer has any ties to the table from which it was detached.
The only I could see this working is if you had a standard naming scheme
for partitions and then you could do a regex search in pg_class for that
pattern where relkind = 'r'.
> SELECT relnamespace::regnamespace::text AS schema_name, relname AS
> table_name
> FROM pg_class c
> WHERE NOT relispartition -- !
> AND relkind = 'r' and lower(relnamespace::regnamespace::text) not in
> ('pg_catalog','partman','information_schema') and
> lower(relnamespace::regnamespace::text) in ('XYZ')
> order by relnamespace::regnamespace::text, relname ;
Adrian Klaver