steve <> writes:
> When trying to pg_dump on 7.1.2 (& 7.1.3) I get the following error
> message:
> bash-2.04$ pg_dump dwh
> getTables(): SELECT (for PRIMARY KEY NAME) failed for table nlcdmp.
> Explanation from backend: ERROR: dtoi4: integer out of range
> Several of my tables have very large OIDs (over 4 billion in some cases
Hmm. Okay, I think I can see how over-2-gig OIDs might lead to that
error message, but that doesn't really help in tracking down the specific
location of the problem. Could you run pg_dump after doingexport PGOPTIONS="-d2"
so that its queries get sent to the postmaster log? Then looking at the
log to see the last couple of queries before the failure should tell us.
regards, tom lane