(Bruno Wolff III) wrote:
> I wrote a perl program that gets data from
> the database and writes excel spreadsheets. It uses Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
> which you can get from CPAN. It seems to be pretty slow. It takes about
> 3 minutes to produce a 4MB spreadsheet.
Are you sure that the delay is caused by Spreadsheet::WriteExcel. The
following program produces a 4MB file in 3 seconds on a P700:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("4mb.xls"); my $worksheet = $workbook->addworksheet();
for my $row (0 .. 8_100) { $worksheet->write($row, 0, "Test string " x 20); $worksheet->write($row, 1,
"Teststring " x 20); }