I am interested in writing CFEngine policies to configure PostgreSQL for
the Database::Install sketch I maintain
Currently the setup is just concerned with installing the packages and
starting the default server on popular RedHat (+CentOS, +Fedora) and
Debian (+Ubuntu) distributions. It supports client and client+server
install mode. The JSON syntax should be pretty easy to understand:
I am looking for advice on making the PostgreSQL support better:
- check the existing client and client+server packages for the Debian and RedHat variants
- support other distributions
- create some useful default configurations based on the hardware: EC2
instance type; memory size; CPU count; disk space...
- make getting started with PostgreSQL easier for new users
If you have any interest in helping you can either let me know here or
use the GitHub interface directly. Either way, I appeciate your
attention and will report back when I have updated Database::Install.