>> [...] is a new feature and not a bugfix [...] other opinions [...]
> I am fine to hear more opinions, then.
IMHO, while generally ignoring hidden files can be seen as a change in behaviour and a new feature, specifically
skippingthe '.DS_Store' files is clearly a bugfix that should be backported. With checksumming enabled, pg_basebackup
issimply broken on macOS, depending on whether or not you have ever browsed parts of the data directory in the Finder.
The safe solution for the back branches would be to add '{".DS_Store", false}' to the exclude_list_item arrays in
backend/backup/basebackup.c,bin/pg_checksums/pg_checksums.c and bin/pg_rewind/filemap.c, but I can't judge whether this
wouldjustify using a different codepath for the older versions or not.
Tobias Bussmann