Thank you very much for your clarification, Tom. (Also, I'm very sorry for not ending and signing my previous message
properly.Shame on me, having being Thanksgivig Day!)
I think I'll submit a correction mentioning that ("PG's downcasing transform is only applied to single-byte
characters")for last paragraph on "4.1.1. Identifiers and Key Words" in the documentation which states:
- "[...] unquoted names are always folded to lower case"
- "If you want to write portable applications you are advised to always quote a particular name or never quote it"
Paco Calvo
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Tom Lane []
Enviado el: jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018 18:02
Para: Calvo Arias, Francisco <>
Asunto: Re: BUG #15516: Identifier not quoted with uppercase letter (spanish Ñ) doesn't get transformed to lowercase
=?utf-8?q?PG_Bug_reporting_form?= <> writes:
> When using an identifier not quoted which includes an uppercase letter
> (Spanish Ñ, Unicode U+00D1), it doesn't get transformed to lowercase
> (ñ, Unicode U+00F1) as expected.
PG's downcasing transform is only applied to single-byte characters.
So Ñ could be transformed in LATIN1 encoding, but not UTF8. There are various practical reasons why this is unlikely
tochange soon.
regards, tom lane
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