> The pg_prepared_statments view will give you information on prepared statments
> currently resident in the database backend. I suggest you run your progam
> (with a couple of "Enter to continue" breakpoints in the code) and, in another
> session, select from pg_prepared_statements and see if the prepared statement
> is still there.
> I'll be trying this myself a bit later once I stabilise my system, so
> watch this space!
My system is stabilised and I'm looking at this now. I'm not getting a lot from
pg_prepared_statements yet: perhaps this view only reports on statements you've
prepared using PostgreSQL's PREPARE through their SQL interface, and not
DBI's DBD::Pg $dbh->prepare().
I know that a few versions back PostgreSQL's DBD driver didn't support prepared
statements (the operation was still there, it just wasn't doing the
whole magic),
I imagine that it does today but will investigate further.