Hi list,
I'm currently having problems trying to describe a table in one of my database servers. Here's the error:
backoffice_t2=# \d control.storedate_done
ERROR: column t.tgconstraint does not exist
LINE 3: WHERE t.tgrelid = '1154864' AND t.tgconstraint = 0
Even in phpPgAdmin, I could not check the description of the table. Is there another way for me to check the table? I just want to see what triggers are created in a specific table.
リヅバン バルヨス
ridvan.baluyos@qualservcentral.comhttp://ridvan.baluyos.nethttp://www.onxiam.com/people/rbaluyosRegistered Linux User #439466
Registered Ubuntu User #16034
Q: Have you heard of the Object-Oriented way to get wealthy?
A: Inheritance.