That returns nothings also. But I have spied the problem now:
select ATTENDANCE.timestamp::text from attendance order by timestamp desc limit 1
return the actual timestamp: 2013-04-08 12:42:40.089952
So the theory I'm wondering about is that the stored data in fact
contains (some values with) fractional seconds, but Richard's
client-side software isn't bothering to show those, misleading him
into entering values that don't actually match the stored data.
Looking at the table directly with psql would prove it one way
or the other.
This is it. It was the psycopg adapter. My bad!!
Thanks Adrian / Tom.
On 04/08/2013 06:49 AM, Richard Harley wrote:
Column | Type |
attendanceid | integer | not null default
entered | date | not null default
timeperiod | character(2) |
timestamp | timestamp without time zone | default now()
Well timestamp is not time zone aware, so I have no idea where your time zone offsets are coming from.
What happens if you do:
"select timestamp from attendance where timestamp = ' '2012-12-14 12:02:45';
Adrian Klaver
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