Johann Spies wrote:
> How can I transform the following definition to index pubyear as
> integer and not text?
> CREATE INDEX pubyear_idx
> ON some_table_where_data_field_is_of_type_jsonb USING btree
> ((((((data -> 'REC'::text) -> 'static_data'::text) ->
> 'summary'::text) -> 'pub_info'::text) ->> '@pubyear'::text) COLLATE
> pg_catalog."default");
> While I can cast the value in a SELECT statement to integer I have
> been able to do the same while creating the index.
COLLATE pg_catalog."default"
> Why btree index? I want to do queries like
> select stuff from sometable where pubyear between 2015 and 2018;
Because b-tree indexes are perfect for >= and <=.
Laurenz Albe
Cybertec |