Hi all,
in my app I need to execute insert query one of the arguments of which
is a PostGIS
function call. Here is query
INSERT INTO poi(geom,latitude,longitude,description,comment)
VALUES (ST_GeomFromText('POINT(34.567 45.5621)', 4326), 34.567,
45.5621, 'some description', 'user comment');
The problem is that I can't bind all necessary values, I can't write
query as
INSERT INTO poi(geom,latitude,longitude,description,comment)
VALUES (ST_GeomFromText('POINT(? ?)', 4326), ?, ?, ?, ?);
and bind all values because in this case I get exception
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The column index is out of range:
6, number of columns: 5.
How I can bind values for function arguments? I see two possible
1. create query string in runtime, concatenate all function arguments
and then bind all other values
2. write stored fuction in database which will accept all arguments
and the internally call ST_GeomFromText
In first case I can't prepare statement for multiple inserts and need
to create query string on every
insert operation. The secon approach looks a more flexible.
Any hints on this problem? Maybe I miss something in documentation and
it is possible to bind values
to the functions arguments inside insert query?