> On 6 Feb 2025, at 15:43, David G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thursday, February 6, 2025, Andrew Dunstan <andrew@dunslane.net> wrote:
> > People get busy. For example, many prominent hackers spent most of the last week at various conferences. There are
also> > other things happening less publicly that are claiming people's time.
> Those prominent hackers are getting the benefit of me being one of the more prolific community question takers which
letsthem spend more time hacking. While I’m not entitled to anything I suggest you all consider that a failure to
acknowledgemy patch requests is frustrating enough for me that I’m about to just give up and walk away, leaving you all
todeal with those user questions more frequently. The vast majority of emails get responses in some form with a day or
soand lots of patches have gone in outside the commitfest process within days of initial reporting while I play by the
rulesand am a large contributor to the community but presently have 7 patches languishing in limbo, most without a
singlecomment for or against.
I don't think anyone on this list will contest that you do a lot of important
work, and any failure to reply should not be seen as a comment on that work. I
for one appreciate and value your contributions both in terms of code as well
as user support.
Sometimes emails pass by without any replies, it's not the usual case but it
happens, and in this case the mail flew under the radar.
I'd be happy to help getting this in, do you have a suggested wording?
Daniel Gustafsson