> There is a new thread at /. "Stored Procedures - Good or Bad?", and it
> mentions about PostgreSQL among enterprise databases:
So being both a programmer and dba, with a database like PostgreSQL which
has procedural languages in several different flavors, I am wondering what
else besides robust transactions PostgreSQL stored procedures provides?
(that in itself is enough for me) Achieving transactions on the
application side has it's caveats, which is why I am keen on using
PostgreSQL's transactional API for data (read object) persistence.
I spend the bulk of my time right now coding mod_perl, so I ask you
pgsql-advocacy list, is pl/perl functionally equivalent to pl/pgsql? If I
can move my persistence layer to PostgreSQL, with pl/perl taking care of
the under-the-persistence-layer-api-work, I would love to do so. Perl is
great for manipulating data structures - PostgreSQL is great for storing
them. But I need some solid arguments; I am easy to sell on the idea but
my colleagues are somewhat more discerning :)
- Fred