cjames@modgraph-usa.com ("Craig A. James") writes:
> Mark Kirkwood wrote:
>>> The result? I can't use my function in any WHERE clause that
>>> involves any other conditions or joins. Only by itself. PG will
>>> occasionally decide to use my function as a filter instead of doing
>>> the join or the other WHERE conditions first, and I'm dead.
>> this is an argument for cost-for-functions rather than hints AFAICS.
> Perhaps you scanned past what I wrote a couple paragraphs farther
> down. I'm going to repeat it because it's the KEY POINT I'm trying
> to make:
> Craig James wrote:
>> Now you might argue that function-cost needs to be added to the
>> optimizer's arsenal of tricks. And I'd agree with you: That WOULD
>> be a better solution than hints. But I need my problem solved
>> TODAY, not next year. Hints can help solve problems NOW that can be
>> brought to the PG team's attention later, and in the mean time let
>> me get my application to work.
Unfortunately, that "hint language" also needs to mandate a temporal
awareness of when hints were introduced so that it doesn't worsen
things down the road.
e.g. - Suppose you upgrade to 8.4, where the query optimizer becomes
smart enough (perhaps combined with entirely new kinds of scan
strategies) to make certain of your hints obsolete and/or downright
wrong. Those hints (well, *some* of them) ought to be ignored, right?
The trouble is that the "hint language" will be painfully large and
complex. Its likely-nonstandard interaction with SQL will make query
parsing worse.
All we really have, at this point, is a vague desire for a "hint
language," as opposed to any clear direction as to what it should look
like, and how it needs to interact with other system components.
That's not nearly enough; there needs to be a clear design.
(format nil "~S@~S" "cbbrowne" "cbbrowne.com")
'Typos in FINNEGANS WAKE? How could you tell?' -- Kim Stanley Robinson