>> In defense of thinking about very small configurations, I've seen many
>> cases where an enterprise-software salesperson's laptop is running a
>> demo - either in a small virtual machine in the laptop, or on an
>> overloaded windows box. Even though the customer might end up
>> running with 64GB, the sales demo's more likely to be 64MB.
> Although I get your point, that is a job for sqllite not postgresql.
> PostgreSQL is not a end all be all solution and it is definitely not
> designed to be "embedded" which is essentially what you are suggesting
> with that kind of configuration.
It's unlikely that someone would want to write a demo version of the
software that runs on a completely different database than the
production one... it's also totally unnecessary because PostgreSQL
runs great on small systems. In fact, it runs great on small systems
with NO TUNING AT ALL. That's exactly why a wizard is needed to set
values for systems that aren't small.