Thank you Bruno. Indeed, adding the space there did the trick, thanks a bunch for the lead.
However, is there any way to do this without interfering with the original timestamp string?
Thank you,
>> Hello all,
>> I am getting hit by errors in timestamp formatting on seemingly valid timestamps:
>> 19990108040506.
>> From the PG manual:
>> <Valid input for the time stamp types consists of a concatenation of a date and a time, followed by an optional time
zone,followed by an optional AD or BC. (Alternatively, AD/BC can appear before the time zone, but this is not the
>> The string above is the concatenation of two ISO 8601 date+time fields but still, the error is thrown each time.
>> Is this a bug or is it a workaround for this?
>This seems to work:
>area=> select '19990108 040506'::timestamp;
> timestamp
> 1999-01-08 04:05:06
>(1 row)