Razvan Costea-Barlutiu said:
> Hello all,
> I am getting hit by errors in timestamp formatting on seemingly valid
> timestamps:
> 19990108040506.
> From the PG manual:
> <Valid input for the time stamp types consists of a concatenation of a
> date and a time, followed by an optional time zone, followed by an
> optional AD or BC. (Alternatively, AD/BC can appear before the time zone,
> but this is not the preferred ordering.)>
> The string above is the concatenation of two ISO 8601 date+time fields but
> still, the error is thrown each time.
> Is this a bug or is it a workaround for this?
Here is the actual parse order for date and time fields:
From that, I wouldn't see how it would figure out to parse a 12 digit
field. I'd suggest breaking it down a little: putting a space in between
the date and time would probably be enough of a hint.
Daniel T. Staal
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