On 4/26/21 7:58 AM, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
> On 2021-04-26 07:45:26 -0500, Ron wrote:
>> On 4/26/21 7:32 AM, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
>>> On 2021-04-26 06:49:18 -0500, Ron wrote:
>>>> The destination is an (RDS) Postgresql 12.5 with encoding UTF8, and is being
>>>> loaded through COPY commands generated by ora2pg.
>>>> The source table has a BLOB column (I think they are scanned images) which
>>>> I'm loading into a Postgresql bytea column.
>>>> Seven times out of about 60M rows, I get this error:
>>>> Psql:909242: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xed 0xaf 0xbf
>>> Decoding UTF8 doesn't make sense for a bytea column. How does that data
>>> look like in the file generated by ora2pg?
>> I thought it was weird, too, but COPY has to read text, no?
> Yes, but data for a bytea column would normally be encoded in hex or
> something like that ...
>> COPY mv_response_attachment_old
>> 1583201 \\x255044462d312e330d25e2e3cfd30d0a31362030206f...
> ... Yes, like this. There are only hex digits (plus \ and x) in the
> column, nothing which would require decoding UTF-8.
> My guess is that the error is actually in the data for another column.
> I'd try to identify the broken records and check whether they contain
> some other strange content.
That's a good idea. Thanks.
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