(2018/01/25 23:33), Stephen Frost wrote:
> I'm afraid a good bit of this patch is now failing to apply. I don't
> have much else to say except to echo the performance concern that Amit
> Langote raised about expanding the inheritence tree twice.
To address that concern, I'm thinking to redesign the patch so that it
wouldn't expand the tree at planning time anymore. I don't have any
clear solution for that yet, but what I have in mind now is to add new
FDW APIs to the executor, instead, so that the FDW could 1) create stuff
such as a query for remote INSERT as PlanForeignModify and 2)
initialize/end the remote INSERT operation as BeginForeignModify and
EndForeignModify, somewhere in the executor. (For #1, I'm thinking to
add an API for that to ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting or
ExecInitPartitionResultRelInfo proposed by the patch by Amit Langote
[1].) Anyway, I'll work on this after reviewing that patch, so I'll
mark this as Returned with feedback.
Thanks for the comment!
Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita
[1] https://commitfest.postgresql.org/16/1415/