Hello Bruce,
Wednesday, November 6, 2002, 3:19:35 AM, you wrote:
BM> I have copies of Peer Direct's (Jan's company) port of PostgreSQL to
BM> Win32, and SRA's port to Win32, and permission to generate a merged
BM> patch that can be applied to 7.4.
BM> Now that 7.3 is almost complete, I am going to start work on that. I
BM> will post patches that deal with specific portability issues, like
BM> fork/exec and path separator handling, and once reviewed, apply them to
BM> the main CVS tree for 7.4.
Just wondering, what compiler are they using ?
Will it compile using Mingw ?
Best regards,Steve Howe mailto:howe@carcass.dhs.org