On Tuesday, March 5, 2002, at 12:09 , Tom Lane wrote:
>> The current system, which only has one pg_shadow entry for the
>> database's datdba, is still producing the dumps with multiple copies.
>> When I run:
>> SELECT datname, coalesce(usename, (select usename from pg_shadow where
>> usesysid=(select datdba from pg_database where datname='template0'))),
>> pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), datistemplate, datpath FROM
>> pg_database
>> d LEFT JOIN pg_shadow u ON (datdba = usesysid) WHERE datallowconn;
>> (from pg_dumpall) I only see one copy of the database.
> Most curious. What exactly do you see from that query? I'm wondering
> if pg_dumpall's simplistic parsing of the output ("while read ...") is
> getting fooled by embedded spaces or some such.
> regards, tom lane
Sending a copy of output off-list, since I'm security paranoid (the
archives, not the membership).