On 29.4.2013 10:14, Christoph Berg wrote:
> Re: Aditya Bhardwaj 2013-04-29 <CANr_U0JqvoqMp9viN3EbwKXEeZfm_x6h=_xdNcJth-HaXy0xNQ@mail.gmail.com>
>> I am Aditya Bhardwaj and I am pursuing the project idea 'Enhancing Debian
>> Blends web sentinel' for GSoC from Debian.
>> Here, it is required that UDD (Ultimate Debian Database) shall produce some
>> appropriate JSON output which can be used to generate data for the Blends
>> web sentinel.
>> And I need some clarification if PostgreSQL can be used for the purpose.
>> And any headers for the same if it can be used. AFAIK PostgreSQL 9.3 shall
>> arrive with a lot of JSON goodness.
> To be useful for Debian, it should probably run on PostgreSQL 9.1
> (shipped with Wheezy), or 9.2. I don't think the UDD people would want
> to rely on 9.3 features.
They're running on 9.2 AFAIK
-- see http://wiki.debian.org/UltimateDebianDatabase/Hacking
I'm not sure about the 9.3 though. Maybe they'd be fine with
implementing the features on 9.3 and deploy them once 9.3 gets out.
We can't really answer this as we don't know enough details to decide if
the 9.3 JSON support is sufficient, and the UDD people are the only ones
who can decide if 9.3 is acceptable.
So just like Christoph, I think you should talk to the UDD people about
this first.