On 30.11.2012 22:49, Claudio Freire wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 5:46 PM, Heikki Linnakangas
> <hlinnakangas@vmware.com> wrote:
>> Think of someone setting up a test server, by setting it up as a standby
>> from the master. Now, when someone holds a transaction open in the test
>> server, you get bloat in the master. Or if you set up a standby for
>> reporting purposes - a very common use case - you would not expect a long
>> running ad-hoc query in the standby to bloat the master. That's precisely
>> why you set up such a standby in the first place.
> Without hot standby feedback, reporting queries are impossible. I've
> experienced it. Cancellations make it impossible to finish any
> decently complex reporting query.
Maybe so, but I'd rather get cancellations in the standby, and then read
up on feedback and the other options and figure out how to make it work,
than get severe bloat in the master and scratch my head wondering what's
causing it.
- Heikki