Le 30/08/2012 12:45, Craig Ringer a écrit :
> That's my understanding, but I don't know which other database systems
> you're talking about because you've never specifically named any.
In his primary post he talk about SQL Server, Sybase and MySQL wich does
good jobs with collation....
Almost a majority of RDBMS have collation support wich is very important
for non english languages, that represents about 90% of the planet
languages !
This feature has always been a "black spot" in PG, and the most
important topic to discourage to use it in professionnal applications.
A +
Frédéric BROUARD - expert SGBDR et SQL - MVP SQL Server - 06 11 86 40 66
Le site sur le langage SQL et les SGBDR : http://sqlpro.developpez.com
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