>> After declaring a cursor, one way of obtaining the length of the>resultset>> is to perform a "MOVE 0" and read the
PQcmdStatuswhich returns a>"MOVE nn">> where nn is the length of the resultset. (A negative MOVE can then be>used>> to
allowstarting to fetch records from the beginning of the>resultset.)>>>> Is there another, possibly faster way?>>>Looks
likeyou're using libpq (because you mention PQcmdStatus),>then after declaring a cursor and FETCH ALL, try>>1.3.4.
RetrievingSELECT Result Information>> PQntuples Returns the number of tuples (rows) in the query result.>> int
PQntuples(constPGresult *res);>>I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to achieve or going to do,>so if I
misunderstoodyou, ask again.>>Regards, Christoph
Thanks for your reply.
What I'm trying to do is the following: I want to browse through a view
containing more than 10000 records. To avoid slowing things down too much,
I would like my client program to receive (through the network) only the
records that are to be displayed on the screen. I believe I could do this
by declaring a cursor and then fetching the parts of the resultset I need.
It would be useful to know the size of the resultset immediately after the
cursor has been declared. How do I get this information? I could of course
fetch all of the resultset, but that is what I am trying to avoid.
Shouldn't it be quicker to perform a move through the set than fetching it?
I found that moving zero records results in a move to the end of the
resultset, with a command status returning the number of records moved.
Although I expected this method to take less time than a fetch (does it?),
I was wondering if there might be another way to get the size of the
resultset that can be fetched through the declared cursor.