Bloated Table - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Alexander Schöcke
Subject Bloated Table
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-general
Hello everybody.

I'm using a view ( to display the bloat (unused disk space)
ofthe tables in a PostgreSQL database. Using this data I want to implement a database maintenance script automatically
exectutinga VACUUM FULL on these tables. 
Unfortunately I am finding a table to have bloat which can't be reclaimed. I have tried VACUUM, REINDEX, VACUUM FULL
ANALYZEwith REINDEX, and even dump and restore. The view always shows 375MB of bloat for the table. 

Is this normal? Here's the table structure:

                                    Table "public.foobar_log"
   Column   |           Type           |                         Modifiers
 foorbarid  | integer                  | not null default nextval('foobar_log_id_seq'::regclass)
 created_at | timestamp with time zone | not null
 foo        | character varying(50)    | not null
 bar        | character varying(16)    | not null
 chit       | integer                  | not null
 chat       | boolean                  | not null default false
    "bar_index" btree (bar)
    "foobarid_foobar_log_key" btree (foobarid)
    "chit_foobar_log_key" btree (chit)

The table consists of approximately 2.4 million entries.

Any help is appreciated.
Kind regards, Alex

pgsql-general by date:

From: Bill Moran
Subject: Re: Bloated Table
From: Tom Lane
Subject: Re: Bloated Table