Re: pgAdmin on Mac OS X - Mailing list pgadmin-hackers

Subject Re: pgAdmin on Mac OS X
Whole thread Raw
In response to pgAdmin on Mac OS X  (Adam H.Pendleton <>)
Responses Re: pgAdmin on Mac OS X
List pgadmin-hackers
Hi, everyone! I'm new here.

Adam, thanks for the build instructions. I was excited to see pgAdmin
finally running on my Powerbook! I was able to connect to my db server,
although I had to tab to the password field, which was below the bottom
of the Connect dialog. The program seems to be usable AFAICT.

A couple of comments/questions:
1. The size of the Connect dialog is incorrect (as noted above), so
that the password field is not visable.
2. I can't seem to change the font in Preferences. For some reason I
think I'd like to use a monospaced font (old habits die hard). It think
there may be a button I can't see in the Prefs dialog because it's too
small for me to see the right end of the Font box.
3. Cmd-M to minimize doesn't work. This is obviously a very minor
problem, but I'm trying to be thorough here! (Cmd-H to hide does work
nicely, though.)

I'm going to try using pgAdmin on the Mac instead of my WinXP box for a
couple of days. I'm sure I'll have more feedback soon.

I hope this is helpful... I'm afraid that I don't know much C++ and
won't really be able to actually fix any of these problems myself.

Thanks again!


> pgAdmin3 on Mac can be built by following these instructions:
> 1. CVS Checkout wxWindows
>  2. cd wxWindows
>  3. mkdir macbuild; cd macbuild
>  4. ../configure --prefix=/path/to/wx2 --with-mac --enable-unicode
> --disable-shared --enable-debug
>  5. make ; make instal
>  6. cd contrib/src/stc
>  7. make ; make install
>  8. CVS checkout pgAdmin3
>  9. cd pgadmin3
>  10. sh bootstrap
>  11. ./configure --disable-shared --enable-debug
>  12. make
>  13. cd src
>  14. cd ..; make install
>  15. /Developer/Tools/Rez -d __DARWIN__ -t APPL -d __WXMAC__ -i . -i
> include/ -o /usr/local/pgadmin3/bin/pgadmin3 Carbon.r
> /path/to/wx2/lib/libwx_macud-2.5.3.r
>  16. /usr/local/pgadmin3/bin/pgadmin3
> The program isn't really usable yet, but I'll be working to create
> some patches to fix that. Also, I hope to automate step 15, but it
> will take some time. That's all for now.
> ahp

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