> Is it possible that you have autoCommit set to true?
No, it is impossible as you know. Sample code I wrote is just a sample.
Actually I use a DI container (Seasar, it is a popular DI container in
Japan), and Seasar provides DBCP implementation.
> This makes me concerned that fixing the bug in the JDBC driver could
> expose serious bugs in application code, and break things which are
> currently working, for some values of "working". :-(
Indeed. But on the other hand, it is serious problem that PostgreSQL
doesn't behave like other JDBC drivers.
On a related note, JDK 6's JDBC is based on JDBC 4.0 spec.
I see JDK 5's, and I found a bit of difference to 6's.
| SQLException - if a database access error occurs or this Connection
| object is in auto-commit mode
There is no explicit spec about use of closed connection!
Because PostgreSQL's JDBC Driver is based on JDBC 3 specification, it
maybe that this is not a bug.
I'm still thinking that this is driver's bug. But if PostgreSQL team
decides that it's not a bug and won't fix, I accept the inevitable. And
I wait for a version compliant for JDBC 4.0.