On 12/07/2007 21:34, Cláudia Macedo Amorim wrote:
> I'm having a problem when I try to retrieve records.
> I'm using PostgreSQL 8.1 and a Delphi application.
> When I try tro retrieve more than 300.000 records through Delphi
> application I receive an access violation in module *'psqlodbca.dll'* .
Please don't send HTML email to the list.
I don't really know enough about the internals of the ODBC driver to
help you, but you ought to post some more detail of the error before
anyone else can. For example, what version of Delphi? Are you using BDE
or any other interface? What *exactly* is the text of the error you get?
- and what are you doing when the error occurs?
Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland