Eric E schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I installed the driver during my installation of
> Postgres 8.2 onto my machine. After installation of that driver, the
> following code related to sequences would not work:
> Where sSequenceName is holding the name of a sequence in the
> search_path visible to the connection. The problem is that the value
> returned from the ADODB Recordset is always 0. I can get a sequence
> perfectly well using pgAdmin, and logs of statements showed that the
> driver was in fact executing the SELECT nextval statement. I can also
> execute other SELECT statements just fine using the Connection and
> Recordset objects. For some reason, however, sequence values are
> always returned as 0.
Maybe it's because you define the resulting type as text?
I've installed latest ODBC V8. and there a similar query works.
Dim objRstADO As ADODB.Recordset
Set objRstADO = objConnADO.Execute("SELECT nextval('" &
strSequenceName & "')", , adLockReadOnly)
debug.print Nz(objRstADO(0), 0)
Is the Login-role in the connectionstring the same as you use in pgAdmin?
Perhaps - ok, not very likely - is your ADO connection just not allowed
to see the sequence.
Depending on your function's error handler there could be a hidden error
condition and the function delivers the default value for numeric types = 0.