david@lang.hm wrote:
> On Tue, 8 May 2007, Trygve Laugstøl wrote:
>>> currently ZFS is only available on Solaris, parts of it have been
>>> released
>>> under GPLv2, but it doesn't look like enough of it to be ported to
>>> Linux
>>> (enough was released for grub to be able to access it read-only, but
>>> not
>>> the full filesystem). there are also patent concerns that are
>>> preventing
>>> any porting to Linux.
>> This is not entirely correct. ZFS is only under the CDDL license and
>> it has been ported to FreeBSD.
>> http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/zfs-discuss/2007-April/026922.html
> I wonder how they handled the license issues? I thought that if you
> combined stuff that was BSD licensed with stuff with a more restrictive
> license the result was under the more restrictive license. thanks for
> the info.
The CDDL is not a restrictive license like GPL, it is based on the MIT
license so it can be used with BSD stuff without problems. There are
lots of discussion going on (read: flamewars) on the opensolaris lists
about how it can/should it/will it be integrated into linux.
> here's a link about the GPLv2 stuff for zfs
> http://blogs.sun.com/darren/entry/zfs_under_gplv2_already_exists
That title is fairly misleading as it's only some read-only bits to be
able to boot off ZFS with grub.