On 4/25/2007 4:46 PM Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
> Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
>> Ned Lilly wrote:
>>> Saw this article and wondered if there had been any similar PR around
>>> the Skype tools for PostgreSQL. That's *at least* as impressive and
>>> interesting a story...
>> Well there is a significant difference here. Unless Google also hands
>> the copyright to MySQL AB, there is no chance that the change will
>> make it into the standard distribution. I will try to get confirmation
>> on the question this today.
> I talked to Mark from Google here at MySQL UC and he told me that Google
> has no issues giving MySQL the right to commercial proprietary licensing
> the code. However of course Google's lawyers need to review the MySQL
> CLA before these changes can make their way into the MySQL standard
> distribution. Of course MySQL AB also has final say on if they actually
> want to integrate the code or not.
Yes, and historically, that hasn't been MySQL AB's strong suit. Maybe that's changing, though.