I completed another migration from 8.1.3 to 8.2.3, and again the problem with "unexpected data beyond EOF", exactly
twicelike before, but in two tables different
from the last time.
The kernel bug hypothesis seems a strong one. I told Unix Ops about the possible bug, and one of the guys said
2.6.5-7.244was well known to be
trouble on our hardware. We should be upgrading soon. I'll try to get more info regarding the particular Linux bug.
Tom Lane wrote:
I did some idle searching when we were looking at the previous report
but couldn't find any specific kernel patches about this. It's
presumably known on the kernel side but maybe not under the specific
"lseek reports stale EOF position" guise that we know it as. If you
manage to track it down please do post back here, because we'd all
like to know.
regards, tom lane
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