novnov wrote:
> Then I tried something like what Adrian had suggested:
> D:\postgresql\bin>createlang -U sauser -d mydb plpythonu
> Password:
> createlang: language installation failed: ERROR: could not load library
> "D:/pos
> tgresql/lib/plpython.dll": The specified module could not be found.
> It's interesting that createlang knows to look in the peer lib directory for
> the language file but somehow does not like the plpython that it sees there.
> I also tried plpython (no trailing u) and had the same error as the earlier
> experiment.
Most likely it's not finding the require python DLLs in the system PATH,
just the plpython one. Make sure that your actual python directory is in
the PATH, add it if not. If it is, use the "depends" tool (part of the
support tools) to verify exactly what DLL it's not finding.