Otniel Michael wrote:
> Mr. Aaron. I am sorry, your solution didn't match in my case.
> Example for your solution :
> A = 1
> B = 1
> C = 1
> D = 1
> E = 1
> F = 1
> G = 4
> G have 4 candy. Its too much for G.
> In my case, the solution is :
> A = 1
> B = 1
> C = 1
> D = 1
> E = 2
> F = 2
> G = 2
> The extra candy is given to three child.
> Do you have the other solution? I need function in postgresql for my case.
> Because my loop is too slow.
Would this achieve the result you're looking for, or must it be done
with a function?
Assuming you already know the value of totalchildren and totalcandy:
-- Everyone gets at least this number, which could be zero or more.
UPDATE X SET value = (totalcandy / totalchildren);
-- Hand the remainder out one at a time until all are gone.
UPDATE X SET value = (value + 1) WHERE code = (SELECT code FROM X ORDER BY code DESC LIMIT (totalcandy
% totalchildren));