Mads N. Vestergaard wrote:
> Hi Aliver,
> there isn't any conditional files in the environment variable CLASSPATH,
> and the program runs fine, it just can't connect to the database.
I am talking about both the CLASSPATH environment variable and the -cp
command line argument. In my experience, if you specify -jar, both are
ignored and classes are only loaded from the standard locations, and the
single jarfile parameter given to -jar ("program.jar" in your case).
Have you tried the command line I suggested?
>> java -cp /usr/share/java/pg74.216.jdbc3.jar:program.jar ProgramMainClass
Please try this and let us know if it works.
I would also suggest that silently ignoring ClassNotFoundException, as
the code you originally posted does, is a Really Bad Idea. That code is
masking the real source of the error: namely, that the driver classes
are *not* in your classpath.