Zac Bowling wrote:
> This maybe wxWidgets fault but pgadmin sure is using a lot of GDI
> objects. It releases them ok when you close different windows but it
> seems to allocating way more then would seem necessary. I do a lot of
> postgres related development at work and I have to setup pgadmin on a
> lot of slower windows machines, and those GDI objects are very precious
> to me. With only 5 windows open, its possible to run almost completely
> out. Visual Studio is another beast but not as bad as pgadmin with 4
> windows open. Any clue where and when in wxwidgets (I'm more of gtk and
> cocoa developer so I don't know) those GDI objects get allocated and if
> anyone knows if this is related more to wxWidgets (maybe something I
> could rebuild myself with a different backend or something) or the code
> in general?
pgAdmin needs those. If you're short of GDI objects, you must be running
win98 or so.