Tom Lane wrote:
> Simon Riggs <> writes:
>>From here, another proposal. We have a GUC called count_uses_estimate
>>that is set to off by default. If set to true, then a count(*) will use
>>the planner logic to estimate number of rows in the table and return
>>that as the answer, rather than actually count the row.
> Ugh. Why not just provide a function to retrieve the planner estimate,
> but *not* call it count(*)? It would fit nicely with the contrib/dbsize
> stuff (or I should say, the stuff formerly in dbsize...)
That would completely remove my needs for a fast count() - all I want
is a way to quickly estimate table sizes for an operator's display. Tom's
suggestion would provide exactly that.
Steve Wampler --
The gods that smiled on your birth are now laughing out loud.