the foreign key problem seems to come from using an incorrect schema
name. ie. in a database i am using i have a few schemas. i am working on
one of them and when selecting a referencing table all table names are
displayed as 'schema.tablename' except the tables from the current
schema i'm working on, where just the form 'tablename' is used. and
pgadmin3 appears to use the public schema if no schema seems to be
specified, which then returns no columns.
ie: i am working on a schema called 'myschema' and i select a table
'tablename' as a referenced table. pgadmin generates the following query
to retrieve the column names from a newly selected table:
SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute att, pg_class cl, pg_namespace nsp WHERE attrelid=cl.oid AND
relnamespace=nsp.oid AND nspname='public' AND relname='tablename' AND attnum > 0
ORDER BY attnum
instead of
SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute att, pg_class cl, pg_namespace nsp WHERE attrelid=cl.oid AND
relnamespace=nsp.oid AND nspname='myschema' AND relname='tablename' AND attnum > 0
ORDER BY attnum