Magnus Hagander wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I sent out a message about this before, but for reasons
>>beyond my control, I could not continue that thread.
>>Anyway, not only does the installer blow away libpq.dll, it
>>also removes all the Open SSL dlls, this is even more
>>troubling because LOTS of other apps depend on OpenSSL.
>>This morning when I got to work I downloaded beta3 and
>>uninstalled 8.03, then installed it (beta3) and of course did
>>not select PG Admin III, then did a search for libpq.dll and
>>it was gone, not sure if uninstalling 8.03 got rid of it or
>>if installing 8.1 did the deed.
>>I then went ahead and used a remote control app that uses
>>open SSL, then I get "Can't load libeay32.dll"
>>So in conclusion either the installer or uninstaller is
>>blowing away system DLLS without even asking me if I want to
>>keep them, this is very bad behavior.
>The uninstall will indeed remove the files. The install will not touch
>OpenSSL libraries should never have gone in SYSTEM32, because they
>contain no versioning information. If they did, they could be dealt
>with in a better way in the installer.
>Right now we're more or less at the mercy of Windows Instlaler, which
>will remove the files that it originally installed unless someone else
>registered in the MSI database that they were using it.
>Your solution to this is to copy the openssl DLL files to each
>applications binary directory. It may suck, but that's how you'll have
>to do it :(
I actually tried that with libpq and it didn't really work because of
the libintl-2.dll and libiconv-2.dll dependencies.
I removed libpq.dll,libintl-2.dll and libiconv-2.dll from the system32
dir, I placed all three in my applications directory and when I loaded
libpq.dll it complained that it could not find
libintl-2.dll and libiconv-2.dll, I can only conclude that paths to
libintl-2.dll and libiconv-2.dll are hard coded in libpq.dll somewhere.
Is there anyway to get a libpq that does not depend on libintl-2.dll and
libiconv-2.dll? (short me spinning my wheels for hours trying to figure
out C code).