this happens to me on any table i've tried. here is a sample:
CREATE TABLE sampletable
( col1 serial NOT NULL, col2 int4
ALTER TABLE sampletable OWNER TO adocuments;
this is a table in a "adocuments" schema, owned by the user "adocuments".
in the table properties pane, tab "columns" i then remove col2 and
immediately add another column, by the name of col2 and type text and
pgadmin produces the following queries:
ALTER TABLE sampletable ADD COLUMN col2 text;
ALTER TABLE sampletable DROP COLUMN col2;
i cannot at this time test this with any other version of pgadmin3 or on
any other system.
btw, thank you for having provided a suse rpm, it helps immensely as i
am atm not in position to compile it on my own :)
Vasilev Max wrote:
> Hi!
> Unfortunately, I can not confirm this bug. Please, show me full
> structure of your table.