Sounds good to me... just wondering where dblink went? Is it going to
remain a part of the dist?
Sorry if this was already answered, I haven't had the time to check the
Tom Lane wrote:
>Looking over the thread Josh started a few days ago, it seems there is
>consensus to move these contrib modules into separate projects on
>and to kill these outright:
>There was also a suggestion to move findoidjoins to src/tools, since
>that's where it really belongs.
>Finally, various people have expressed interest in writing replacements
>for these:
>If I don't hear any objections, I'll "cvs delete" the candidates for
>outright kills in a day or two, and the pgfoundry candidates as soon
>as someone moves them over (not being much of a pgfoundry user, I'd
>prefer to let someone else set those projects up). I'll move
>findoidjoins too.
>Anyone want to get to work on replacing reindexdb or userlock? It'd
>be real nice to get rid of userlock so that we could have a clean story
>on all-BSD-license for 8.1.
> regards, tom lane
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend