Is effective_cache_size set the same on the test and live?
Jona wrote:
> Thanks... have notified our sys admin of that so he can make the correct
> changes.
> It still doesn't explain the difference in query plans though?
> I mean, it's the same database server the two instances of the same
> database is running on.
> One instance (the live) just insists on doing the seq scan of the 50k
> records in Price_Tbl and the 6.5k records in SCT2SubCatType_Tbl.
> Seems weird....
> Cheers
> Jona
> Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
>>> Thank you for the swift reply, the following is the output of the
>>> SHOW ALL for shared_buffers and effective_cache_size.
>>> shared_buffers: 13384
>>> effective_cache_size: 4000
>>> server memory: 2GB
>> effective_cache_size should be 10-100x larger perhaps...
>> Chris