>> Well that is not what I started this thread as. I started this thread
>> about Software Patents.
> But isnt' the big issue against software patents right now more a case
> of "a few bad eggs spoiling it for everyone" then anything? Are *all*
> software patents out there evil?
I have yet to see a software patent that is valid. That doesn't
mean that they are not out there but everyone that I have seen is
ridiculous. Prior art is rampant in the software industry.
We are not building an artificial heart here, we are building a database
and databases have been around for decades.
Joshua D. Drake
> Again, as I've mentioned before, I know that there have been some
> "visible" cases where the patent applied for (and I believe approved)
> were for *very* generic concepts, which, IMHO, shouldn't be approved ...
> ----
> Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
> Email: scrappy@hub.org Yahoo!: yscrappy ICQ: 7615664
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