> "Mike Cox" <mikecoxlinux@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>Well, yes. You have to be a member of the mailing list you want to
>>post to even if you are posting through usenet. Otherwise your post
>>will bounce to you *email* account. Half of those who respond even
>>when you are a member of the list, respond via email only! And you
>>must be a member of the 26 different mailing lists in order to post to
>>each one!
[An imagined conversation in the head of Mike Cox]
"Oh, life is so hard when there's so much free information available.
Maybe I should just go hire a consultant and get the job done right.
Service, that's what I want! Now!"
[Later, on the phone....]
"What?? You're telling me you want $150/hr to help me with my problem?
It should be free, or at least cheap! Why, I could get the same
information from usenet. I'll only pay $10."
Yes, indeed, life is so hard sometimes.