Michael Fuhr wrote:
>On Sun, Jan 02, 2005 at 10:44:16AM -0500, C. Duncan Hudson wrote:
>>Is there any way, with PG 8 rc 3, to share a sequence across databases -
>>assuming all databases are on the same machine?
>As Andreas Kretschmer mentioned, you might be able to use dblink.
>Why do you want to share a sequence across databases? Could you
>use separate schemas in one database instead of separate databases?
Unfortunately, the app that I'm using doesn't yet support schemas -
otherwise I'd be doing that. I have 3 instances of the application
(each for a different business unit) and I don't want them generating
the same numbers for different things. I want the numbers, across all
business units, to be truly chronological - so I'd like them to share
the same sequence.