On 8/1/2004 2:52 PM, Alvaro Herrera Munoz wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 01, 2004 at 07:42:37PM +0200, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
>> Steve Bergman wrote:
>> > 5. Performance. Here it seems almost impossible to get solid
>> > information, and what little there is out there seems quite dated.
>> > My general impression is that under light load and simple queries,
>> > MySQL is more nimble, but that under heavier, multi-user load more
>> > complex queries PostgreSQL pulls ahead.
>> This is approximately right, but again, try it yourself.
> Jan Wieck has prepared a sort-of-TPC-W testing platform, which allows
> one to compare the performance of a real application using whatever
> the database is able to provide. A feature that the database doesn't
> provide is coded in the PHP application code instead --- this is what
> PHP/MySQL developer do, and what Postgres users should take advantage
> of.
> I haven't seen numbers from Jan's test, but apparently anyone can take
> the test and run it on her own servers ...
The code is available here:
I have run it in a very small configuration (P3 667MHz, 640MB, single
IDE) for 200 emulated browsers and 1000 items using Apache 1.3, PHP4 and
MySQL 4.1.1 or PostgreSQL 7.4.2. The result is that they are head to
head. Without pgpool MySQL is slightly better, with pgpool PostgreSQL
pulls ahead.
Two groups could possibly waste some time tweaking here, tune there, the
tyical arm-wrestling of people who don't have anything better to do. But
I wouldn't expect any of those two all of the sudden skyrocketing.
The difference is that some of the queries had to be rewritten for MySQL
in a way that I would consider not maintainable any more. The new
subselect support in 4.1 isn't mature enough to just write a query and
expect it works performant.
# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me. #
#================================================== JanWieck@Yahoo.com #