scott.marlowe wrote:
>On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Pallav Kalva wrote:
>>Hi ,
>> I am having some problems with setting up permissions in Postgres. I
>>have a database for ex: 'ups' and it was owned previously by
>>'postgres(superuser)' but now i have changed the ownership to new user
>>'ups' all the tables are owned by these user 'ups'. This database doesnt
>>have any schemas except for 'Public'. I have created another user lets
>>say 'test' and i didnt give 'test' user any permissions to access the
>>tables owned by 'ups' but still when i login to 'ups' database as psql
>>ups test and run a select on the tables owned by 'ups' database it
>>goes through.
>> I dont want user 'test' to access any tables from the 'ups'
>>database, i tried revoking permissions it still doesnt work. Can anyone
>>tell me what is wrong here ?
>Log in as the superuser (usually postgres) and see what you get from this
>select usesuper from pg_shadow where usename='test';
>if usesuper is t, then test is a superuser and can do anything he wants.
>You need to issue the command:
>alter user test with nocreateuser;
>If that isn't the problem, let us know.
Thanks! for the quick reply, I ran the above query and it is 'f' for the
'test' user, 'test' is not a super user.