It's not WAITING, the larger queries are eating cpu (99%) and the rest
are running so slow it would seem they're waitng for processing time.
My sort mem is fairly high, but this is a dedicated box, and there is no
swapping going on afaik,
Andrew Sullivan wrote:
>On Sat, Mar 06, 2004 at 01:12:57PM -0800, Gavin M. Roy wrote:
>>I upgraded my main production db from 7.3.4 last night to 7.4.1. I'm
>>running into an issue where a big query that may take 30-40 seconds to
>>reply is holding up all other backends from performing their queries.
>By "holding up", do you mean that it's causing the other transactions
>to block (INSERT WAITING, for instance), or that it's making
>everything real slow?
>It could be your sort_mem is set too high. Remember that the
>new-in-7.4 hash behaviour works with the sort_mem setting, and if
>it's set too high and you have enough cases of this, you might
>actually cause your box to start swapping.
>>and disk speed. I've considered renicing the processes, I was wondering
>That is unlikely to help, and certainly won't if the queries are
>actually blocked.